Tuesday, December 31, 2013
For Auld Lang Syne
Thursday, December 26, 2013
My Favorite Dinner Rolls
These are my favorite dinner rolls! I found the recipe a long time ago in the Better Homes and Gardens magazine. My precious clipping is encased in a plastic sleeve, but I found the recipe online when I went looking for it.
Try these. They are delicious and not much work at all. Besides, there is nothing like a yeast bread baking in the oven. It makes the whole house smell wonderful. :-)
Dinner Rolls Italiano
2 packages active dry yeast
1-1/2 teaspoons Italian seasoning
1 cup milk
1/2 cup water
2 tablespoons sugar
2 tablespoons butter or margarine, plus 2 tablespoons melted butter
1 teaspoon garlic salt
2 eggs
3/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese
Combine 1-1/2 cups flour with yeast and Italian seasoning. Heat milk, water, sugar, 2 tablespoons butter, and garlic salt just until warm (115 to 120 degrees F.); add to flour mixture. Add eggs. Beat at low speed of electric mixer 1/2 minute. Beat 3 minutes at high speed. Stir in 1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese. Add in as much of the remaining flour as you can stir in. Turn out onto a floured surface. Knead in enough of the remaining flour to make a moderately stiff dough. Shape into ball. Place in greased bowl. Cover; let rise in warm place until double in volume (about 45 minutes). Punch down; let rest 10 minutes. Shape into 16 balls. Dip tops into 2 tablespoons melted butter, then in remaining grated Parmesan cheese. Place rolls in two greased 8- or 9-inch round baking pans. Cover; let rise until nearly double in size (about 15 minutes). Bake at 375 degrees F. for 20 to 25 minutes.--Carol M. Gilley, Cookeville, Tenn.
Makes 16 rolls.
Monday, December 23, 2013
Thursday, December 12, 2013
Christmas Past

This photo was taken many years ago when my daughters were young. They were acting out the Christmas story. Daughter #3 was Mary, Daughter #2 was a lamb, and Daughter #1 was one of the Wise Men. Our daughters used to put on a small play or puppet show every Christmas. Sometimes, when their cousins were visiting, the cast became larger.
Now that out daughters are all grown up, they no longer put together a play to entertain us, but since they did it every year when they were children I know the Christmas story is engraved on their hearts and that they will always remember that Christmas is not really about the presents we give to each other, but the gift that God gave to us.
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
My Paternal Grandmother
I have no idea what the occasion is for this formal portrait. My grandmother was not Catholic. Dad says she was Protestant. Since her family was German, I have assumed she might have been Lutheran, but I don't know. I was told that when my grandfather married her, the ceremony was conducted in the vestibule of the Catholic church. They were not allowed at the altar.
She was a quiet woman. Her parents had a chicken farm in Pennington and when my father was young, he spent his summers there on the farm. I've never seen the farm--only photos of it.
My grandmother died at the age of sixty-three. I did not get to attend the funeral because I was babysitting my younger sisters and my cousins. My brother did not attend the funeral either. He was overseeing the construction work being done on our house as two more rooms were added.
I wish I knew more about her. I know she made dumplings, which my father loved. I know her cousin, Pearl, lived upstairs in the two-family house in Jersey City. But that's about it. I wish she hadn't been so quiet.
Friday, December 06, 2013
Advertising Is Important
Yes, once upon a time, in the dark ages before the internet, I thought I could make extra money by selling crocheted ornaments I had made. It took me at least forty-five minutes to make each ornament and then I had to stiffen each one. However, crochet thread was inexpensive. Though I knew I would not be making a decent hourly wage I was sure I would sell enough of my ornaments to make up the price of the materials. I believed my low, low prices would have everyone snatching them up.
My mother was a terrific artist. She always hoped to get extra cash selling her paintings. She hit upon a popular idea of decorating old saws with lovely scenes. She went to garage sales, bought old saws for next to nothing and turned them into beautiful pieces of decorative art.
Daughter #2 sewed doll clothes for the popular American Girl dolls. For a youngster, she had talent.
We did not advertise. At all. :-( Still, we expected hordes of delighted customers to show up at our table and purchase our exquisite handiwork.
A few people walked by. I sold two ornaments. It was very disappointing. If we had rent to pay, we would have been bankrupt on day one. :-(
I gave up crocheting ornaments. Now I'm trying to sell books. LOL! In 2011 there were three million books published. That's a lot of competition, but now we have the internet and social media marketing. I am doing my best to get the word out about my books, but it isn't easy. It does take time, but if I don't toot my own horn, nobody will know I exist.
I found a great link, SMALL BUSINESS MARKETING. It offers plenty of sensible suggestions for marketing your wares. I know now how important advertising is!
Tuesday, December 03, 2013
Send a Real Card
Sending out Christmas cards is one of the traditions of the season I love. I haven’t seen Marie since college, but I send her a card every year--and she sends one back. Our neighbors moved away twenty-seven years ago, but we still keep in touch at Christmas time. It gives me a warm feeling to think about them and to know how they are doing. We probably won’t get together and visit each other, but it doesn’t matter. We remember each other and wish each other well and hope that next year another card will come.
To me, the emotional connection is the most important part of the tradition.
Fewer and fewer people send out cards these days. Yes, the price of stamps keeps going up, but spending 46 cents once a year on an old friend is a far cheaper than buying them a drink.
Posting “Merry Christmas” or "Happy Holidays" on Facebook is nice, but it will soon be forgotten in a cascade of hastily posted greetings. A card in the mailbox is a special surprise, one that can be held and remembered for a long, long time after its delivery. A card is a gift, real symbol of your presence to someone else.
Over the years, I have removed people from my card list. I usually give them a few years, and then I reluctantly cross them off. However, I will often email the pdf file of our Christmas newsletter to them. I figure it is something they can print if they like—or send it to their ereader. It is my attempt to reach out and keep in touch. I find it very sad that in our modern society with all our amazing communication devices, all I ever get from many people are a bunch of forwarded messages that contain nothing about their personal lives and many of those forwarded messages are filled with hate, which is even more distressing.
Please touch somebody in a special way this holiday season. Send them a real paper card in the mail. Give them a memory.
Sunday, December 01, 2013

The story is my take on a classic Gothic as well as a retelling of Beauty and the Beast. The heroine, Victoria, was married by proxy to a cursed man, covered in fur and destined to become a wolf.
The scene below is a dream sequence in which Victoria relives a horrifying moment in her life...
She heard the wail. It sounded more like the cry of a beast than a human. Searching though the long corridor in the basement beneath the manor, she shivered with only her thin nightgown to protect her from the chill. She loathed the basement where the dampness set mold to growing on the walls no matter how often the servants scrubbed it away and she feared the creatures that inhabited the darker corners. But she could not think about that now. Her bare feet made no sound as she hurried softly along the passage.
She cursed Paul’s stubbornness for refusing to have her mother put away. If he would only listen to reason! She wanted to be free--like other young women her age. She was seventeen! She wanted to go to parties and dances. She wanted to fall in love. But there could be no peace in Blackbirch Manor due to her mother. It was as if the old house had become a prison for them all.
Another animalistic howl sent ice tingling along her spine. An echo bounced off the solid stone walls. Stopping for a moment, she listened intently but heard nothing save the creaks and groans of the massive timbers as they bore up under the weight of the old dwelling. Her hands shook as she felt her way along the walls. She paused at the door to each storage room and barely breathed, waiting to hear the rasp of her mother’s labored gasps for air.
The darkness was complete. She could see nothing, but when she heard the singular creak of the heavy door that led from the basement to the kitchen stairs, she scrambled in that direction. The sound of her mother’s laugh, a wild cackle that seemed almost demonic, froze her heart. The hinge of the door that led outside squealed and she felt the draught of the wind rushing into the basement. Her heart quailed, for there could be no telling in which direction her mother would go once she escaped. If she ran all the way down the hill into Taylor’s Grove, everyone would learn the truth. That must not happen--no matter how much she resented caring for her mother. She did not want anyone to know of her mother’s madness.
Stumbling up the steps and out into the chilly night, she saw she had only a pale sliver of moon to guide her. She ran into the kitchen garden, but her mother was not there. From the corner of her eye, she caught a movement at the corner of the house. Taking a deep breath, she sprang in that direction for all she was worth.
More hysterical laughter echoed in the icy air as she rounded the corner in chase. An ache in her side slowed her, but she did not stop. Her mother must be headed for the gate! In despair, she wondered why no one else had come to help her. She tried to call for Paul and Ipsy and William--anyone--but though she formed the words with her lips, no sound came out.
Off to her right, she heard the crush of leaves in the underbrush and the snap of branches in the woods. Someone--or something--was nearby. Fearfully, she looked this way and that, but all she saw were the swinging their branches of the black birches in the nighttime breeze--shadowing the pallid moon to leave her in darkness so deep that the gloom became as dense as a thick velvet curtain.
Again, she heard the sound and the smell of terror filled her nostrils.
She woke and realized that the screams had come from her own lips. Her heart thundered as she stared up into the face of the Beast. He loomed over her, his powerful hands pressed against her shoulders, pinning her upon the mattress.
Friday, November 22, 2013
Old World Solution for Thin Hair
Yes, that's me--the pathetic, little bald-headed toddler. I look like a refugee. My brother is in the background with his thick head of hair.
My mother had glorious hair. All her siblings had the same amazing hair--and her parents, my grandparents, did, too. Because my grandparents did things as they would have back in the "old country," when my mother worried about my thin, fine hair my grandparents told her to shave my head. They believed that would solve the problem. They insisted it would grow in full and lush afterward.
My head was shaved. My hair grew in--and it was okay, but it was never as thick as my mother's hair--or anyone else's hair on that side of the family. Evidently, I took after Dad's side of the family. Such is life. The genetic toss of the dice.
Fortunately, that was the last time my head was shaved. However, mom never gave up trying to make my hair look abundant and luxurious. She permed it when I was six (somewhere I have a photo of that, too). She tried setting it in pin curls, rags, or on rollers. If my hair wasn't permed, the set would not last long--even using various hair setting products.
Then hair spray was invented. It solved my limp hair problem!
Even better, I married a man with a thick head of hair. My daughters have lovely hair. They got lucky in that genetic toss of the dice.
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Sunday, November 03, 2013
In the following scene, Wildon brings Tia home and meets Tia's mother, Angela Glenmore...
Friday, November 01, 2013
Forever Love
Our elderly friends are suffering. Failing health and faulty memories are draining all their joy, but drawn into the concrete sidewalk some fifty-five years ago, a symbol of their forever love remains.
It makes me sad. :-(
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
My Lucky Day
Did I sell any books? Nope. Not one. Zero. Nada. Zaden.
Am I going to quit writing? No. I've gone through this scenario many times, though when I was younger, disappointment hit me harder. I needed extra money when the kids were younger, but writing didn't provide it. So I got a job. Still, I could not quit writing. I had stories to tell. In the quiet of the evening, when the house settled down, I wrote.
Some people live to play golf, some live to sing, some live to shop. I live to write.
And though I did not sell any books at the book fair, my books do sell online.
As far as the gas for the car, I had money in my wallet to buy it on the way home. (I always remember to be prepared.) There was a gas station on Route 1 selling regular for $3.05 a gallon. What a bargain! Plus the proprietor actually cleaned the front AND back windows for me.
It was my lucky day. :-)
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Huge Book Fair!
On Saturday, October 19, 2013, at the Renaissance Woodbridge Hotel, 515 U.S. Route 1 Iselin, NJ, the New Jersey Romance Writers will be hosting a Literacy Book Fair and Author Signing at the conclusion of their Put Your Heart in a Book Conference. The book fair is open to the public from 4:00-5:30 pm.
A portion of all proceeds from the Book Fair will be donated to Literacy Volunteers of America, New Jersey.
I will be there with my glass of wine, my books, and a pen. Come and chat with me for a while. :-)
Friday, October 11, 2013
Once Upon a Time in Tin Pan Alley
Hubby first learned how to play ragtime a long time ago--way before I met him. He searched out collections of Scott Joplin's music in the New York Library, but discovered some songs were not included in the collections because the music publisher, Jerry Vogel, held the copyrights.
In his searching for more ragtime music, hubby discovered another publisher printing the songs only Jerry Vogel was entitled to publish.
Hubby took it upon himself to report this to Jerry Vogel who had a store in NYC.
Mr. Vogel appreciated hubby's report and informed hubby that he would sue the other publisher and give hubby 10% of the proceeds. Hubby declined the offer. So instead, Mr. Vogel said he would give him the money as a wedding gift when he got married. As I said, hubby didn't even know me at that point.
However, when hubby and I were married many years later, we received a check from Mr. Vogel and for years afterward, until Mr. Vogel passed away, we received a gift box of paper products at Christmas. (We figured Mr. Vogel had stock in that company.)
The moral of the story--report pirates, not because you'll get a reward but because it's the right thing to do. Also, don't be a pirate. Pay for the music and books you enjoy. Somebody worked hard to produce it.
Tuesday, October 08, 2013
Sit Around the Fire
I strummed the guitar and played a few songs, but one of our friends clamored for hubby to play "Charlie on the MTA." Hubby obliged. Those who knew it sang the words.
Our nephew's new bride was amazed. She had never heard the song. She hails from Pittsburgh but now lives in Boston. She wondered why the transit card there is called a "Charlie Card." Now she knows. Our nephew knew because he had heard the song at some of our other campfires.
We had a lot of laughs. My sister told a funny story. She had a problem with ants and decided to try an all-natural and safe deterrent for the ants--cornmeal. She made a barrier of it around the house. The next day she found the local turkey population enjoying her cornmeal!
I'm thinking that would be a good anecdote in a book somewhere.
For those of you with a bad case of writer's block, invite some friends to a campfire and see what develops. You are bound to get a few story ideas--and certainly some laughs. :-)
Friday, October 04, 2013
I found a worm one day and I placed him in the bin, too. Had some deer poop on the lawn so I added that as well. Every now and then I stir up my compost. It takes a while for all that stuff to disintegrate into dirt, but I'm hopeful that by spring I'll have humus rich in nutrients to place around my flowers.
I can't help but compare the process of composting with the process of writing. It's similar to cooking, too, but it takes much longer. A little of this, a little of that, time, stirring, adding water, and voila--a book.
If you want to know more about composting, there are many sites on the web devoted to the topic--and quite a few excellent videos, as well.
If you want to write a book, get busy. Add a little of this, a little of that, give it time, stir, and drink some water (or coffee, or tea). It's slower than cooking--and you should use a thesaurus--but you could wind up with a book if you keep at it. :-)
Tuesday, October 01, 2013
Party Like It's the Eighteenth Century
When it was all said and done I asked if he thought we had feted him enough.
Everyone gave me a strange look.
"Fete," I said. "It's a real word. F-E-T-E."
Daughter #1 said I wasn't pronouncing it right.
I turned on the iPad, hurried to Dictionary.com, and discovered that I was indeed pronouncing it incorrectly.
Fete is pronounced just like the word fate, but fete and fate have entirely different meanings.
Fete is of French origin and it comes from the eighteenth century. It is a day of celebration. :-)
While I didn't pronounce it properly, I had the correct meaning.
That's one of the problems with being an avid reader. I am familiar with plenty of words, but I have never heard anyone speak them. Most people get by using very few words. Party is a far more popular word than fete.
But I've been mired in the history of the eighteenth century for a while. I wrote The Pirate's Wraith, which is set in 1711. I wrote Patriot's Heart, which is set in 1778. At the moment, I'm writing Patriot's Pride, which is set in 1784.
So I say we should all prepare a fete instead of a party. Let's party like it's the eighteenth century.
Friday, September 27, 2013
Look It Up
Do you know what this is? Do you know what it looks like before it turns into that big puffy ball of fluff?
I'm not going to tell you. If you know the answer, good for you. I've met a lot of people who don't have any clue where that thing comes from. If you do not know the name of it, please look it up.
Do you know what those little bell-like flowers turn into? Blueberries--wild blueberries. These low shrubs grow all over New Jersey. In fact, blueberries are New Jersey's official state fruit. I photographed this little blueberry bush in Turkey Swamp Park.

Why should you care about the names of plants?
Because they are part of the world around you. If you are a writer, you just might get a story out of it. :-)
While walking around the block one day, I noticed a large plant with small, white flowers. I looked it up and discovered it was boneset. Native Americans used it for fevers. (Though you should not try this at home.) You can read an article about it HERE.
Boneset plays a big part in Patriot's Heart, my Revolutionary War historical which will be released in February. If I had not been intrigued by the plant and had not looked into the background of boneset, I suppose I could have come up with something else for my story--but boneset was perfect considering the historical time period and the availability of the plant in this area.
So look around you. If you see something and you don't know what it is, find out. You'll be amazed at what is in your own backyard.
You might get a story out of it.
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
My First Memories
I've changed considerably since I posed for that photograph. With another birthday looming ahead, I can look back and be grateful for all I've had--loving parents who made sure I had a good education, great siblings, a terrific husband, wonderful daughters, interesting work experiences, and fun friends. I had some tough times, but life has been rather interesting--and any of the bad parts I can always use in a book. :-)
Yes, that's the beauty of being a writer. Nothing goes to waste. All sorts of experiences can be recycled.
My first memories are not happy ones. I went into the hospital at the age of three and the doctors did not know what had caused my illness, but since polio was rampant back then they suspected it and put me in an isolation ward. I was there for along time. I remember sitting in a crib in a huge dark room, all alone. I remember the irritable nurse. I remember my father coming to visit me wearing a suit. (He always wore a suit to work.) He read me a story and gave me ice cream. He also lifted me up so I could look down and see my mother and brother far below on the pavement. Only--I could not see them. It was a long way down, and I was not sure where to look. My mother was not well and could not visit me. :-(
The doctors gave me antibiotics and I recovered. I did not have polio.
I remember leaving the hospital. Stepping out of the elevator in a beautiful party dress. (Yes, I knew it was a special dress even then.)
What's your first memory? Is it a good one or a bad one?
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
My Brother's Birthday
Happy Birthday in heaven, bro.
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Buy This Book
I found the book at the AAUW Book Sale last Saturday. I got it for $4, used. Whoever owned it underlined all the pertinent passages.
It's scary! But knowledge is power--and the information in this book could save your life or the life of a loved one.
Click on the Amazon link below:
If you don't have the money to buy it, borrow it at your library.
Friday, September 06, 2013
Bulletin Boards, A Tough Chore
I enjoy sketching and painting, but those are far different artistic disciplines. Plus bulletin boards have to be changed constantly. Some of my attempts were good, some--not so good. It was always a challenge. I liked displaying the kiddies' projects best. Below are a few of the bulletin boards I put together.
This is me about ten years ago standing in front of a rather simple bulletin board. The kiddies cut out the flowers, which was a difficult task for some of them. (One problem with pre-k is that some of the kiddies don't want to give away their flower once they've cut it out.)
Obviously, the class was working on the sound of the letter R. I liked the bright colors in the rainbows. The letters were made with sponge stamps.
I like snowflakes. I made paper snowflakes. The kiddies played with blue fingerpaint. When they were done sliding their fingers around, I dropped one of my paper snowflakes on their fingerpaint. Then I placed another sheet of paper over that. Voila! A print! This was fun. :-)
I put heart-shaped paper into a tray, added paint and marbles. The kiddies rolled the marbles around in the tray. They loved doing that. Some were a bit too enthusiastic and paint-covered marbles went rolling across the floor!
Teaching young children was exhausting but I got a huge dose of happy smiles every day. My arms got plenty of exercise tacking up those bulletin boards. :-)
Tuesday, September 03, 2013
My Special Toastmaster
Toastmasters become better, more effective speakers. If you don't believe me, read Heart of a Toastmaster, which you can purchase HERE.
Friday, August 30, 2013
What Happened to Summer?
It was a great summertime activity.
Somehow, summers in the past seemed longer. This one went by rather quickly. Hubby suddenly realized it's almost over and he didn't do all his favorite summertime things yet. Part of the reason was our car troubles.
Then there's me and my edits. It's nice to have a bunch of books up for sale, but behind every release there are many hours spent in front of the computer.
So this year, we missed some of summer's delights.
How about you? Did you enjoy the summer? What summer opportunities did you miss out on this year?
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Seen in an Antique Store...
Yes, that's the man I love. :-)
I'm just glad we didn't bring it home with us.
Friday, August 23, 2013
Goodreads Giveaway
Goodreads Book Giveaway
The Pirate's Wraith
by Penelope Marzec
Giveaway ends September 14, 2013.
See the giveaway details
at Goodreads.
Enter to win
From tomorrow, August 24, 2013, until September 14, 2013, you can enter a Goodreads Giveaway for The Pirate's Wraith. Two paper editions will be given to the winners. This time travel romance garnered 5 stars from Linda Tonis at PRG Reviews who said, "If you love reading about pirates than this is the book for you."
Don't miss out on the giveaway! Sign up early. :-)
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Our Honeymoon
It was great fun!
Where did you go on your honeymoon?
Friday, August 16, 2013
My mother was superstitious. Of course, most of her superstitions had been handed down to her from her mother--a woman born in an age where life expectancy was somewhere near 50. Grandma beat those odds and did amazingly well because she made it to 90. However, she would not have made it that far without modern surgical techniques and modern medicine.
Still, her superstitions persisted and many of them are ingrained in my mind. Some of her old wives' tales are really ridiculous, but after hearing them over and over, they becomes something like truth--though they aren't.
One of the negative things about the internet is that it allows people to propagate falsehoods and pseudo-science in the same way--by repetition. Obviously when humans see or hear something numerous times, they believe it.
But that doesn't make it so. For those who missed it, I wrote a blog post specifically about political rumors HERE.
Grandma and my mother's superstitions touched on everything from who would be visiting to the the usual symbols of bad luck.
For instance, if you dropped a spoon a woman would be visiting you. If you dropped a fork, a man would be dropping by.
But if you dropped a knife, look out! There was bound to be a fight.
If you saw a spider, it would rain.
What are some of the superstitions you've heard?
Sunday, August 11, 2013
My DIY Book Promo
I learned early that the do-it-yourself work ethic saves money. When I became a published author, I knew I could promote my books and keep more of the royalties for myself if did as much as I could on my own.
Name recognition takes TIME (do not expect instant success). However, it doesn’t have to take a ton of money.
I keep four things in mind when it comes to marketing my books while keeping within a budget.
- Don’t always listen to the experts.
- Be dedicated to an online presence.
- Use hands-on promotion whenever possible.
- Keep Yoda's philosophy in mind. “Do or do not... there is no try.”
I owned a Rocket E-Book reader and to me it just as good as a paper book—and in many ways better due to the back light and unlimited font sizes. I had faith that the rest of the world would come around.
The ebook revolution took longer than I thought it would. However, once the Kindle launched in November of 2007, sales for ebooks skyrocketed.
According to a survey compiled by the Association of American Publishers and the Book Industry Study Group in 2012, e-books accounted for 20 percent of publishers’ revenues, up from 15 percent in 2011. This data represents only US revenues from approximately 12 to 15 trade publishers. With actual retail numbers, those figures might double.
The future of publishing is here, but the competition is fierce.
The most important part of my marketing plan is writing the best book and then writing another and another. Experts have plenty of ideas as to how an author should brand themselves and according to those experts I’ve done everything wrong when it comes to branding.
I’ve written in multiple subgenres of romance and used my own name. I have not changed my persona.
However, I am not alone. James Patterson, while famous for his thrillers has also written romances, inspirational stories, science fiction, nonfiction, fantasy, graphic novels, Christmas-themed books, and lately Young Adult. There is a James Patterson book for every audience. This has not hurt his sales. It has expanded his reach.
James Patterson doesn’t listen to experts and he makes a ton of money. (If I wrote faster, maybe I could catch up.)
Once upon a time when everything in the publishing world moved at a glacial pace, an author could write one blockbuster and be successful. Margaret Mitchell wrote one book, Gone With the Wind. Harper Lee wrote To Kill a Mockingbird and never wrote another novel—even though she won a Pulitzer Prize for her book!
In today’s market, every author is competing with the likes of Nora Roberts. She has written more bestsellers than anyone else in the world. I believe she is now up to 203 full-length novels (or something like that). Her output is incredible!
Nora isn’t the only competition. With the advent of the Kindle, anyone can publish their books—that means there are more self-published books than ever.
What can an author do to make books stand out in the crowd?
Here’s what I’ve done:
1. Enter contests and win. This is so you can call yourself an award-winning author. It helps to give you credibility.
2. Be nice to everyone—even other authors. Some of them might give you a good review on Amazon. Getting good reviews on Amazon or other online sites does help—people do read those comments.
Don’t knock another author’s work. As my mother always told me, if you don’t have something nice to say—don’t say it.
3. Keep your ear to the ground by joining other professional writers’ groups. Belonging to a group is money well spent. You need support in this business. When new opportunities come up, you want to be the first author with her foot in the door. I heard about a new publisher, Prism Book Group, on the Marketing for Romance Writers Yahoo Group. I sent in Daddy Wanted and I got a contract.
4. Spend time every day online. Ebooks are online. I believe authors need a very visible presence if they intend to market their books online. I have a website and a blog. I put up blog posts at least twice a week. I am on Triberr, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Goodreads, Shelfari, and LinkedIn. I have an Amazon author page. I am a member of several Yahoo groups as well.
All of that costs me nothing but time, even with my website, the only thing I pay for is my domain name. My website is free. Free is the way to go.
I had to learn HTML because in the beginning of the web, page building tools were not good or non-existent. Things have gotten much better in that regard. It’s a lot easier nowadays. Anyone can do it.
And yes, time is money and promotion uses up some of my precious writing time. However, nobody will know I exist if I don't do it. The connectivity of the web is a boon to any author. My blog posts automatically go to my Amazon author page, my Goodreads and LinkedIn pages. When I tweet the news about my latest post, it transfers to my Facebook page.
I often tweet from my cell phone. There are no excuses for not having frequent status updates. And the whole point of all this connectivity is to interact—to get people to respond to your messages. (Hint: photos often work best.)
Restricting your status updates to only writing related stuff gets old fast. Put in personal stuff. Or even silly stuff. It’s amazing what gets folks to respond to your comments. Once, when I posted a status update about buying Easter candy and then having a craving to eat a chocolate bunny, I hit a raw nerve. Many people responded and one woman confessed to devouring a whole box of Peeps. :-)
I recommend keeping your political views to yourself. People get very hot under the collar about politics and you might lose some potential readers.
Sarah Wendell--who blogs at http://smartbitchestrashybooks.com/--strongly believes that offering free reads on your website will help sell your books. Free reads provide a taste--a sample of your work. J. A. Konrath has tons of free stuff on his website and has made a lot of money selling some of his other work for $1.99 at Amazon.
Check out his blog, A Newbie’s Guide to Publishing at http://jakonrath.blogspot.com
Don't forget newsletters. They do get results. I use Mailchimp to send out my newsletter. I’ve collected names and email addresses for years. I advertise my contests and latest book. This is a tedious, but it works. Very famous authors do this, too. There’s a reason. It’s cheap and effective.
- My Hands On—DIY Promotion Projects.
- Brochures.
For these, I recommend HP’s trifold brochure paper. Best stuff ever. Already scored. I set up a Word document in a landscape format with three columns. On one page I place—in a small font--as much of the first chapter as I can fit—ending with something dramatic. On the other page, I put in images of my other books, a bio, and contact information. I like them better than bookmarks because your potential readers get a little taste of your writing. You can also leave them in all sorts of places.
- Postcards
I like these better than bookmarks, too. I keep theses in my handbag and hand them out to EVERYONE. (Don't be shy.) You can get postcards done professionally, they don't cost much, but if you have a laser print and a nice glossy paper, you can do this yourself as well. Having a laser printer has been a big help. I used to do everything on an inkjet, but it took forever.
I have a paper cutter at home, too, which is a big boost when it comes to cutting anything to size.
For one writer's conference I attached small tea light candles to my postcards. I put the candles in a small piece of tulle and tied it to the bookmark with thin satin ribbon. The tea light candles came from the Dollar Store—as did the tulle. It was a very inexpensive promo item.
- Notecards:
I have a software program called Print Explosion for my Mac. I use card stock and put the image of one of my books on the cover of the notecard. I leave the inside blank, but on the back I put in either a book blurb or a rave review along with all the pertinent information about the book. I have offered sets of notecards as prizes—Romance Junkies often has contests and asks for prizes. Hoping that the recipients will then send a notecard along to Aunt Tilly and subsequently, Aunt Tilly will download the book on her Kindle.
With notecards, you have the possibility of getting in touch with more than one person.
- T-Shirts
Anyone who wins one of your shirts automatically becomes a walking billboard when they wear it.
Buy a good brand of iron-on transfer—like Avery. If you want to use a colored t-shirt, you have to use the dark t-shirt transfers—which cost a bit more. The white t-shirt transfers are cheaper and I believe last longer—but the image has to be flipped before you print it out.
You must have an inkjet printer for the transfers. There are special ones available for laser printers, but those types of transfers need a heat press—not an iron. And heat presses are not cheap.
If you follow the instructions, these come out nicely.
- Book Videos
My favorite marketing project is the book video. This is perfect because—again—ebook readers are online. These little commercials for books should not be more than 2 minutes long—and preferably less.
If you have a Mac, you have iMovie which is super simple to use. For the PC, you can use Windows Movie Maker. Michelle Pillow has directions at her blog. That’s where I first learned how to do it. http://www.michellepillow.com/book_videos_how_to.htm
You need some copyright free music—and I recommend Kevin Macleod’s incompetech.com.
You need photos or video clips. (Make sure you’re not stealing these either.) You can buy some wonderful photos at istockphoto.com—the pictures are relatively inexpensive. Of course, it’s better if you can use your own pix. I carry my little digital camera with me wherever I go. Sometimes, I'll shoot a video, too.
Keep the words in a book video to a minimum. Some people do voice overs—I haven’t tried that yet because I have a squeaky, pre-k teacher voice. Maybe I should get hubby do it. He has a deep voice.
Once my video is complete, I upload it to Youtube, Facebook, and my blog.
Then I convert my book videos to DVD files. I make them loop, and have the DVD play during my book signings on a small DVD player. This helps attract attention.
- Press Releases
I do these, too. It isn't difficult. Yes, it's a shot in the dark but sometimes it works--especially with local newspapers and magazine.
In the words of Yoda, “Do or do not.. There is no try.”
You cannot be shrinking violet in this business. (Did I tell you I was shy when I was a child?) You have to let the world know you are an author and that you have books available. Giving talks at libraries, other writers' chapters, and at conferences is a great way to toot your own horn. You can also write articles for chapter newsletters. This is all free stuff. It is promotion on a shoestring.
It doesn’t take much skill but it does take time. It’s harder than writing the book.
But it is something that no author can ignore.
There are plenty of books—you have to convince readers that your book is the one they should buy.
Tuesday, August 06, 2013
Buttermilk Biscuits
4 cups unbleached flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon salt
4 tablespoons butter (softened at room temperature)
1 1/3 cup buttermilk (you may need a little more)
Mix dry ingredients. Thoroughly work butter into the mixture with your hands. Quickly stir in buttermilk, adding more, little by little, until the dough is soft and light but not sticky.
Turn out onto a floured board. With floured hands, pat down or knead until smooth. Roll lightly 3/4 inch thick. Use a round biscuit cutter or an ordinary glass tumbler to cut out biscuits. Spray a cookie sheet with PAM. Place biscuits on cookie sheet close together for soft biscuits.
Bake at 450 degrees for 15 to 17 minutes.
Great with butter or jam!
Enjoy. :-)
Sunday, August 04, 2013
Thirty-Seventh Wedding Anniversary
Since it was the bicentennial year, I had thought a red, white, and blue theme for the wedding party would be a fabulous idea, but hubby thought it would be a bit much. On further consideration, I decided he was right.
The bridesmaid dresses were white with small, red polka dots. They wore red and white flower crowns. They carried red and white bouquets. The men had red-edged ruffles on their shirts.
Red has always been my favorite color, but blue runs a close second.
Thirty-seven years have gone by in a flash it seems, but I am always glad hubby and I found each other.
Friday, August 02, 2013
Our Screen Test
Hubby and I decided to try it. We sang the Anniversary Waltz. However, the sound was not recorded, which was a good thing. (I forgot most of the words.) You can see our screen test at the link below.
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Tips for Road Trips
There are many sites online which list sensible tips for road trips. You should read them before you set out. Anything can happen on the road--and usually does.
I have a short list of tips based upon this last trip to Pittsburgh.
1. Make sure your maps or GPS are up to date. Pittsburgh changed all the exit numbers on me. It has changed the names of several streets, too. In addition, the Squirrel Hill tunnel is closed on the weekend. While it helps to have a sense of direction, a current map or GPS can save you from riding around in circles.
2. Carry antifreeze, oil, and water along with jumper cables and the necessary equipment for changing tires. Make sure you check all fluids in the car before you leave. Our car overheated at the rest stop at Sidling Hill on the turnpike. We did not bring an antifreeze along but a very kind young man handed us a gallon of the stuff. We drove for the rest of the trip without any air conditioning fearing the car would overheat again.
3. Good music helps--a lot. The driver always gets to choose. If you intend to go on a road trip with your significant other, it would be advantageous if you share a similar taste in music. (Think about this carefully before you marry anyone.) Still, it is very difficult to hear music on the Pennsylvania Turnpike with the windows wide open because the air conditioning is not running.
Yes, we made it to Pittsburgh for the wedding--and we had a great time. We also arrived home but I am rather disenchanted with our puny 4 cylinder engine that couldn't.
I want an eighteen wheeler. The kind with the bed in the back of the cab and a kitchen. Sort of like the fancy custom model below.:-)
Thursday, July 25, 2013
On another trip as the rain poured down and I pulled out of the Asbury tolls, all the other vehicles seemed to vanish into the gray wall of water. I could not see the other cars anymore, but I knew they were still there. I drove slower and peered through the windshield searching for red tail lights. That's when I started thinking about writing a time travel novel. The atmosphere got to me. That's why Lesley in The Pirate's Wraith is driving south on the Garden State Parkway.
Go to the book's page at Amazon, HERE. Click on the cover to look inside the book. You can read the entire scene. :-)
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
She was always right. :-)
With three daughters, I've done a lot of listening and I've given out plenty of advice, but I don't always know if my ideas are the best ideas. I wish Mom was here to back me up--or offer better suggestions.