Saturday, April 22, 2006

A New Catholic

Our nephew's wife is now a Catholic! Check out the wonderful story about her experience at Welcoming a new Catholic.

I was an RCIA sponsor for a candidate in our own church a few years ago. RCIA is a terrific program!


Just Nancy said...

Provided you get the right RCIA. Mine was more like a Protestant adult Sunday School. I learned almost nothing about what sets the Catholic Church apart from other demoninations and was even told that it was okay, in some circumstances, to do things the church specifically forbids - if you've prayed about it and really FEEL it's okay for you to do it!

Fortunately, my husband is a wonderful, scientific man and he'd studied the teachings before deciding to join. I only went through the RCIA program because it was the only way to received the Eucharist!

Congrats to your nephew's wife for Coming Home!

Penelope Marzec said...

mom nancy: I guess you stumbled into a very liberal group.