Sunday, October 09, 2005

Doughnut Day

After Mass today, there were doughnuts, coffee, juice, and bagels for all in the cafeteria. Daughter #1 and I opted for the juice and bagels--we decided that would be lunch. Hubby nearly ran down the stairs so he would not miss out on getting a jelly doughnut, one of the more sought after treats usually snatched up first by the young children.

It happened to be Vocation Awareness Sunday. All the church ministries had sign-up sheets ready and were scanning the crowd, looking for fresh volunteers. After talking with one of the women, I signed up to be a Eucharistic minister. I have been involved with a number of the other ministries, but this is a new one for me.

Our pastor told us he has several photos of hubby playing the accordion at the church picnic. Hubby was delighted. Right now, I guess hubby's vocation is in entertainment.

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