Way back when I was a college student I worked at a glass factory. For two summers, I endured rotating shifts because the wages were great. However, I found it next to impossible to keep my eyes open. Mostly I stood and packed bottles into boxes, but every hour or so, I got a chance to sit down and watch the bottles twirl by the light box. I was supposed to be looking for bad bottles, but the twirling bottles quickly turned into lovely dancing ladies in long dresses as I started dreaming. I am lucky I did not fall off the stool.
I know many authors who do not get enough sleep. They get up early, write, and then put in a full day at their real job. I never did that. The thought of crawling out of bed at 4:30 a.m. to write never appealed to me. I love writing, but I like to do it with a clear head.
There are the writers who stay up late into the wee hours to write. I never did that either. I actually tried it a few times, but the next day I was not up to par.
I tend to do my best writing in the evening after supper. I don't watch television so I don't have that distraction. I have not written as many books as some authors, but I know my limitations. Not getting enough sleep will make my blood pressure go up and that is a bad idea. So I sleep when I am supposed to sleep and write when I can.
When do you write?
I'm with you on getting 7 hours. Most nights I get between 5 and 6 mostly because my youngest has an amazing talent of waking up about 5 minutes after I fall asleep. I tend to write best late at night when everyone is asleep. I can concentrate better when the house is quiet.
I spent a lot of years getting about six hours of sleep and for me it is not enough.
I find it conducive to have a quiet house for writing, too. Currently, that's in the evening because hubby now has a room at the opposite end of the house for practicing the accordion. :^)
I've given up to TV to write more and at times sleep too.
I've nodded away at the keyboard while my fingers are still moving. How I managed to write while I was semi-couscous is a my story. Although, I think my character just took over.
Yes, sometimes my fingers continue typing while I lapse into a semi-conscious state, too. Still, giving up television is preferable to giving up bedtime in my opinion.
I do my best sleeping from 4am to 8am but I wish I could get more! I try to write whenever something pops into my head. But my muse is definitely a female and her name is Insomnia!; )
Insomnia is awful! I sure hope you can get more sleep. Writing when inspiration strikes is good, though. I have to make notes for myself when I don't have the time to write.
I usually get about four hours. Ten till two and toss n turn the rest of the night.
I'd love to be able to sleep.
When I was taking online college classes, I'd wake at 3AM and study till time to go to work.
Mark: Maybe you should have been a novelist! :^)
Though I seriously hope you solve your sleep problem. Sleeping like a log is far better than tossing and turning.
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