Here's a very young me overlooking Florence, Italy. A long time ago, I signed up for summer study in Italy. I got six college credits, plus I learned a lot about Italian history. Years later, I wrote a suspense novel with Florence as the setting, but I knew the story needed work and I never got around to fixing it. I feel I should really take another trip to Italy to see if I have all the details correct. :^)
I enjoyed Florence and I was there for six weeks, so after a while I did not feel like a tourist anymore. Nevertheless, I missed my home and my family. In those days, communication overseas was difficult. I wrote letters and my family wrote back to me. I still have those letters and they are a real treasure.
I have other books I finished that I know need work. There's one with Mexico as a backdrop because I once visited Mexico, too. That's the problem with traveling. I'll go someplace and then I'll want to use it as a setting for a novel. I've been to Florida a gazillion times and I have every intention of using it as a setting one of these days.
I sure wish I could write faster.
Do you have any favorite settings for novels?
You should definitely go back to Italy! This time you'll view the country with a writer's eyes -- and hopefully take good notes and tons of photos.
My first novel I.O.U. SEX is set in North Texas (Dallas area), and so is my current WIP. That's where I grew up, and spent most of my life. So I guess that's my favorite setting.
I'm sure Italy has changed since I was there.It has been a long, long time.
My four inspirational romances are all set in NJ. Several of my paranormals are set in NJ, too. I like my home state. :^) However, I have one paranormal set in Pennsylvania and one in the Catskills of NY.
But setting a book in Florence would definitely be more exotic.
Get yourself back to Italy! How interesting to go back and work on a book you started in your youth. I thought that would be an interesting experience.
Yes, and I actually used Nassau, Bahamas in my first book. I'd like to use Spain somewhere along the line, but like you I have to go back to refresh the memories.
Try writing about someplace you've never been...like Glasgow or Aberdeen, see how close you can come to reality just by looking at photos.
I have a ms. out with an editor that takes place at Loch Ness. Some day I hope to get there!
That is a feasible idea. Daughter #2 has introduced me to Google Earth. I can travel many places without leaving the computer screen. :^)
I did go to Loch Ness once, but I did not see the monster. I hung around all morning looking at the loch, but not a single ripple disturbed the water. It was very disappointing.
I don't think any author can write as fast as I can read...
LOL! Yes, it takes a lot longer to write a book than it takes to read one.
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