Sunday, January 29, 2006

My Latest Cover!

Here it is! This is the cover for Kiss of Blarney which will be released by New Concepts Publishing on February 17th. It is not exactly what I expected. Hubby nearly keeled over when he saw it. "So that's why you wanted to go to the Poconos!" he said.

It's just a wee bit racy. After all, there are a lot of bubbles in that tub--and really, everything is quite covered up. Right?


Angela's Designs said...

I like it... that lettering too. Congrats.

K. said...

LOL, it's very sexy. Looks nice! I think it would make anybody want to read what is inside. Where are your books sold?

Penelope Marzec said...

Kiss of Blarney will be available in a few weeks at New Concepts Publishing. Three of my other books are already available there.

Leann said...

I like it. Tastefully

Jessica said...

It's cute. Makes me wish I had my old garden tub that Hubby and I used to have romantic baths in. Don't worry if it's a li'l racy. It's nothing compared to some of the bodice ripping covers you see in the grocery store lines. Oy! :) Can't wait to read it!

Your biggest new fan,


Kelley said...

I LOVE this cover Penny! Just enough hint of sex appeal to catch the eye and add a little "zing" to it. I'm eagerly awaiting this one's release.