Thursday, March 25, 2021

Hope Springs Eternal

 Hope Springs Eternal

Alexander Pope wrote that in 1732, but he certainly got it right. We are always hoping and what better time to hope than spring when the flowers begin to blossom and the snow is gone. In the photo, you see my beautiful Lenten Rose. I love it!

We had too much snow in NJ this winter--at least, I thought so. I used to love snowstorms when I was teaching because invariably--if the snow was bad enough--I got a day off. I didn't mind shoveling snow when I was younger. Now, it's a bit more difficult with my aging bones. In December, when we had our first snow this winter, our driveway wound up with two inches of solid ice on it. I got out the ice chopping tool and was going along quite well until hubby and I directed out energies to the end of the driveway. I chopped up a bunch of ice, put the shovel underneath it, and  slipped. I sprained my wrist. I could have broken it or any other part of me, so I was lucky. But it has since made me very wary of ice and snow. 

I didn't do as much writing as usual in this pandemic year. I went through one edit of Home Somewhere. A Rush of Light still needs a cover, but other matters have become more pressing--like getting a vaccination against COVID-19. I've gotten one shot, now I need one more, but it's progress.

Fortunately, the New Jersey Romance Writers held their annual JeRoWriMo challenge in February. For the challenge, authors make an attempt to write 30,000 words in the month. I've done it before and with the cheering squad at NJRW, I did it again.  Of course, what I wrote was a very rough draft, so now I am fixing it but it was great to start something new. 

John Heywood said in 1546, "It's an ill wind that blows nobody good." As far as St. Leo's Prayer Shawl Ministry goes, the pandemic ramped up production to levels I never expected. When women who crochet are forced to curtail their social activities, they simply buy more yarn. Our small prayer shawl ministry supplied blankets to one nursing home and is now supplying another. We gave away shawls to Memorial Sloan Kettering's nearby outpatient facility. We also made preemie hats and blankets for three local hospitals. I had a great time trying out new patterns and seeing what I could do with all the scraps of yarn I have.  

I look forward to going to meetings in person again. I look forward to big family dinners. I look forward to hugs. I look forward to traveling.

How about you? 

Oh, and don't forget to check out my website at where you can see all my books. 

Take care! 

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