Daughter #1 had a week off from work so she joined hubby and I for a visit to younger sister #1 and her gang who live near Hartford, Connecticut. The day we arrived happened to be the twentieth wedding anniversary of my sister and her husband. After a supper of pizza, my hubby suggested watching their wedding video.
Everyone was so much younger! My daughters made up the little herd of flowergirls--and now my daughters are all grown up. Despite having given birth to the three of them, I looked terrific. I led the singing at the wedding and hubby played the organ. Quite a few of our friends and family have passed away since that wedding, but it was nice to see them again on the screen.
Hubby and I were married before wedding videos were invented. We have still photos of our wedding, but that is not as nice as seeing everyone in action.
We had a wonderful visit with my sister and her family. I wish they lived closer to us.