Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Guest Post: CONVINCING LOU by Jodie Wolfe

My guest today is Jodie Wolfe. She creates novels where hope and quirky meet. She is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW), and Faith, Hope, & Love Christian Writers (FHLCW). She's been a semi-finalist and finalist in various writing contests. A former columnist for Home School Enrichment magazine, her articles can be found online at: CrosswalkChristian Devotions, and Heirloom Audio. When not writing she enjoys spending time with her husband in Pennsylvania, reading, knitting, and walking. Learn more at

Jodie Wolfe's latest release is Convincing Lou. What to know more? Here's the blurb:

How hard can it be to round up one delinquent groom?


Ellie Lou Williams will do just about anything to save her ranch, even going undercover as a man to round up a fella who is late to his own wedding. The reward will more than cover the money she owes the bank and solve all her problems.


Caleb Dawson agrees to one final job as a deputy US Marshal before he starts his new life away from the trail and tracking criminals. What he isn’t counting on is a mysterious bounty hunter who’s determined to undermine his every step.


Will one reach their goal first? Or will they learn to lean on God and work together?


Now for the Excerpt of Convincing Lou


Burrton Springs, Kansas

December 3, 1877

Four weeks. Four weeks until Ellie Lou Williams lost everything her late husband had worked so hard to achieve. Her chest constricted and a sharp pain shot the length of her left arm. Where was her deep faith in God when she needed it the most? Dried up and crumpled like a dull, brown leaf separated from the tree in fall. Useless. Ground under a shoe until it became pulverized. No good to anyone. Where was the elusive peace she’d talked about with others, pointing them to scripture? Why did she feel like the Israelites during the years in the Bible where God was silent in between the Old and New Testament?

Her words from a few months ago rose to haunt her. “My life is in His hands to do with how He sees fit. I will do whatever I can to keep this ranch because it’s what Charles would’ve wanted, but if it somehow gets taken away, I still must trust God has a plan even when I can’t see it.” She snorted. That was easy to say until she had to actually live it. I feel as if I’ve lived a lifetime since I said those words, God. If I lose the ranch, I have nowhere to go. Nobody alive to rely on. She toed her boot in the thick dust along the street. Are you listening, God?

“Hi, Ellie Lou.” Mary Scott waved. “I haven’t seen you in town since all that excitement at your ranch a few months back.”

She wouldn’t call being held at gun point ‘excitement’. Too bad there hadn’t been any reward money for the capture of the outlaws who’d held her. If there had been she wouldn’t be in this mess.

“Were you planning to stop by Betty’s shop?” The elderly woman slipped her arm through Ellie Lou’s. “Or perhaps you were going to see Gertrude at her place instead.”

Ellie Lou glanced at the shop marked ‘Ruffles and Stitches’. She hadn’t seen much of her newly wedded friend, Gertrude Valentine, but a visit could wait until another time. “I can come in for a few moments to see Betty.”

“Oh, good. She’s been in such a dither.” Mary tugged her in the direction of her niece’s shop.

Ellie Lou held back a sigh. Best to focus on someone else’s troubles instead of her own for a bit. “What’s got her upset?”

The bell above the door chimed as they entered the ladies dress shop.

“There you are, Aunt Mary.” Betty Hadler fanned her flushed cheeks. “We’ve got to do something.”

Mary released Ellie Lou’s arm and patted her niece’s hand. “Now, dear, I’m sure your fiancĂ© will show soon.”

“But he was supposed to be here weeks ago. He said he only had to make a short stop in Topeka. I’m afraid something’s happened to him.” Betty withdrew a handkerchief from the pocket in her skirt and dabbed her moist eyes. “The stagecoach has been coming regularly so he couldn’t have been delayed because of that.”

“Now, now. Don’t you fret.”

Ellie Lou cleared her throat, unsure whether to step away from the private conversation or to remain. She took a step backward.

“I’m thinking of hiring someone to go after him.” Betty sniffed and wiped her nose.

Ellie Lou’s ears perked. Could this be an answer to her prayers? Please, Lord.


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M. Jean Pike said...

I enjoyed this story so much!

Jodie Wolfe said...

Thanks for having me, Penelope. And Jean, I'm so glad you enjoyed Convincing Lou.

Penelope Marzec said...

It's on my TBR list! I'm happy to have your story on my blog.