Monday, June 23, 2008

Great Presentation by Jane Porter

On Saturday, I attended the New Jersey Romance Writers meeting. Jane Porter presented a talk on the Alpha Male and the Unforgettable Heroine. It was an entertaining and informative talk. She used video clips from a variety of well-known movies to illustrate her points.

She was a wonderful speaker! You can find Jane Porter at Jane Porter (She has a great website, too.)

I sat next to Shirley Hailstock and Mo Boylan at lunch. Each of them have an Alphasmart keyboard and they let me play with their gadgets. I want one of my own now. I had thought of getting one a while ago, but now that summer is here it seems an even better idea. I could write anywhere!

1 comment:

Just Nancy said...


You don't have one??? How can you survive? I take mine with me everywhere. Just came back from a lab appointment and got one paragraph written while waiting. Sure, it's not a lot, but it's something. Honestly, I don't know how I could get anything written if I didn't have one!!