When the library in the next town put tons of books out on the porch, we happily planned to spend our Saturday morning searching for more wonderful books. We were not there very long when Daughter #1 pointed out a book that had one of my stories in it. I was rather surprised to see the book there. I picked it up and opened up the cover. I had autographed the book.

I felt a bit sad that the person who had purchased the book no longer wanted it. Of course, I do the same thing all the time. I regularly donate books that other authors have autographed after I read them. I cannot keep every book. I simply do not have the room for them all.
However, I could not leave that book on the shelf. I only had two copies of that particular book at home. So I bought the copy at the library sale.
It brought back a lot of good memories. The book is full of recipes for interesting dates and many of the stories were written by my New Jersey Romance Writer friends. I think I'll have to re-read it. :^)
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