Thursday, July 11, 2024

Irons In The Fire Now On HOOPLA!


     Draft2Digital put IRONS IN THE FIRE on HOOPLA, the library app. I am delighted. I often use Hoopla to borrow books. It’s free with your library card. Irons in the Fire was the first book I finished, though the second one to be published and was a nominee for a Romantic Times Reviewers Choice award.
     Long and Short Reviews gave it 4 1/2 Stars and said, "The twists in this one were totally unexpected. There are surprises all along the way to the final revelation of who was behind all of the evil in the town. I did not expect some of this at all. I like that in a mystery--not knowing is the best kind of plot. The romance builds slowly, and for each step these two take toward each other, they take two steps back. I loved it when they finally acknowledged their feeling were real, and the passion they finally let loose was wonderful." 

     So please sign up for the Hoopla app and borrow Irons in the Fire! 

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