Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Guest Post: SHELTER IN THE NIGHT by Loree Peery

My guest today is Christian author LoRee Peery. She wrote fiction for many years before her first novella was published in 2010. She thrills at the writing process when ideas, words, or character voices resonate in her mind. Jotting notes in the middle of the night or trailing toothpaste across the floor on her way to pen and paper, gets her pulse pumping. She often notices character quirks and conversation while she’s out and about, and is invigorated when she spends time outside. She believes the desire to write should never be ignored and is so glad she kept returning to the blank page. She feels blessed to live under God's redeeming grace, and to experience Nebraska's sense of place.

Her latest release is SHELTER IN THE NIGHT, the first in a series of worship through verse. It's available from Pelican Book Group.

Loree asks, "Do you ever awaken in the middle of the night, beset by thoughts of the worries of the day? Do you ever awaken with the feeling that God wants you to pray for someone or some thing? Do you pray, flounder in your prayer or immediately fall back to sleep?

Through the verses of Shelter in the Night, volume 1 in the Worship through Verse devotionals, the author pours out sorrows and joys much like the Old Testament psalmists. Whether you need shelter or reassurance, this collection can bring peace, hope and solace.



Psalm 30:5

…Weeping may stay for the night,

but rejoicing comes in the morning.


Night Song


The sky may be black

But my heart is white


With the light of Your presence

You are my hiding place


The song of cicadas hums life

Clouds break for the moon and stars


Providing cover like wide spread wings

You shelter my heart from fear


I call, You promise to listen

Mellow peace floods my soul


My joy is new in the morning

You took the night watch.

The second in the series is Looking Beyond Self .    

God has asked us to lay our worries at His feet so that His grace and compassion can get us through troubles. Reflection during the midst of pain is often cleansing, giving us a different perspective in our walk with Jesus.

In Looking Beyond Self, join the author as she pours out her worries, sorts through her feelings, reflects on worldly things, and through verse, worships the strong, stalwart Presence Who brings peace in troubling times.


Philippians 4:7

And the peace of God, which transcends

all understanding, will guard your hearts

and your minds in Christ Jesus.


Joy Unfettered


Much about God is a mystery

How can Jesus live within?


I thank God for working in me

That good work that continues


Good news of great joy has come

In a Babe to be glorified always


Jesus, a Name above all names

Believe and be right with God


Joy is serving in the Spirit

Unexplained peace is the result


His undeserved gifts are blessings

Blessing brings freedom of joy


Joy is belonging to Jesus

Glory to God for my freedom.



Meeting the Lord through modern-day psalms prompts heart gratitude and worship through verse.


On June 28th Finding Peace and Strength, which is volume 4, will be released.   Where else to turn when strength is gone and peace is fleeting, but God’s Word?



You can find Loree's website at  


M. Jean Pike said...

Such lovely prose. Congratulations on the release of your books!

LoRee Peery said...

Penelope, thanks for sharing, friend and fellow writer.
And Jean, Thanks for your encouragement.

Barbara Britton said...

I am reading Loree's first devotional now. It is inspiring.

marilyn leach said...

Loree, Penelope, what an uplift your devotions are. It would make the perfect gift. The covers are beautiful as well. Cheers