Thursday, July 08, 2021

Getting Your Feet Wet

Life is full of choices and sometimes you just have to dive in and get your feet wet. For a writer, that can mean finishing the book by not watching the latest show, which all of your friends are watching. It can also mean sending your book off to a publisher, or an agent, or going indie and publishing it yourself. Stepping into the world of publishing usually involves entering a contest, going to a writers' conference, giving a talk, or going to a book signing. Not all writers are introverts, but many are and it can be difficult to step out into uncertainty.

But that's what authors are called to do knowing that sometimes the water is just right and sometimes it is freezing cold. Putting a book out into the world doesn't give you much time to test the water to see if it is to your liking. I have been at book signings where I didn't sell a single book. I have given many talks about writing or about my books. I have gone to countless writers' conferences. I have not felt comfortable doing most of those things. 

However, I really enjoy writing books and I would like other people to read those books. So, I step out and get my feet wet even though I would rather stay home and write books. Of course, nowadays, there is the Internet and all the many social networks, which may or may not facilitate the sale of books. Most authors do have an Internet presence. Some are fearful about posting online, but they do it--at least a little bit. 

Writing a book is only part of the process. Making sure the world is aware you've written a book is the other part of the process--and it can be difficult. Especially for an introvert. 

Writing a book is a brave activity. Marketing the book will test the faith you have in your story. But do it anyhow. Dive in and get your feet wet.  

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