Thursday, January 25, 2024

Writing Challenge

Once again I am participating in JeRoWriMo, the New Jersey Romance Writers answer to NaNoWriMo. NaNoWriMo is held every year in November. I've never attempted it because Thanksgiving is in November, which always includes a big family dinner. In addition, with Christmas looming ahead and all the hoopla that holiday involves I know I would be doomed to fail if I set a plan in motion to focus on writing. There are too many distractions in November!

But February's big holiday is Valentine's Day, which need not involve much preparation. February is usually cold and sometimes snowy, the type of weather I consider perfect for writing. I’ve finished several books with the help of JeRoWriMo.. The goal is 30,000 words. I never know if I will make it that far. One year I didn’t. Still, I managed to write more words than I would have without the other members of NJRW cheering me on.

Nancy Herkness started NJRW's writing challenge years ago. It has helped so many writers to accomplish more than they every thought they could. The challenge is open to those who are members of NJRW.

I am looking forward to finishing my current WIP!



Kathryn R. Blake said...

Great job, Penelope, and a great idea. Keep writing!

MarkD60 said...

I think not writing nanoremo because of Thanksgiving is a lame excuse! You can do it!

Will you please turn off your word verification? Blogger has an excellent spam protection, and if you do get spam, you can always turn it back on.
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Penelope Marzec said...


Thanksgiving is not a lame excuse! It's a major undertaking--at least, it is to me. :^)

I turned off the work verification just for you--but if I am deluged with spam, I'll turn it back on.