Thursday, December 21, 2023

Sale at Smashwords! 3 FREE Books and 3 at Half-Price!

     Smashwords is holding the End of the Year Sale and I am giving away three of my paranormal romance books for FREE. Another paranormal is half price and two of my Christian inspirational romances are also half price. There's something for everyone. 😊 

The sale lasts until January 1, 2024. So, load up your ereaders now. Then when the snow falls, you can cuddle up under a blanket and enjoy an adventure.

Click on the links next to the book's image to go directly to Smashwords. Remember to use the coupon provided at each book webpage to get your free and half-price books. ENJOY!

Christian Inspirational Romances

A Rush of Light

Heaven's Blue
First Place Winner for Inspirational Romance

Paranormal Romances

Irons in the Fire

Prince of the Mist

Have a wonderful holiday and take time to READ! 


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