Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Our Changing Vocabulary

I bought this book many years ago because I always wanted to write historicals. It took a while before I had the nerve to do it but I succeeded. I love writing historicals! I love research! However, English is constantly evolving and English Through the Ages ensures that my characters speak words appropriate for the time period in which the story is taking place. also gives the dates that most words were in use and I often use it just to be sure because it's quick.

Nevertheless, reading the lists of words in English Through the Ages for the time period during which my novel is set gives me a better idea of what life was like then--what was new, fresh, and contemporary.

For instance, the word cerulean was born about 1670. I love that color. Ethereal was also in use at that time as well as jaded. Wonderful descriptive words!

Transmogrify was in use by 1660. That would be terrific for a paranormal.

Then there's homemade. Homemade was in use by 1660. That surprised me. I would have thought almost everything at that point was homemade. I guess Mom's homemade biscuits have always tasted better than the ones that anyone else makes.

So if you're going to write historical fiction, I strongly suggest you get a copy of English Through the Ages.

1 comment:

Amanda Borenstadt said...

Sounds like a fun read. I adored my all of those sorts of classes when I was an English major. I still have two dictionaries of etymology that I use often. I'm such a geek! :)