Life has been very hectic lately, but sometimes when things get tough I like to look at my old photo albums. This is one of my favorite pictures from more than twenty years ago--me and our three daughters at the Enchanted Forest. And I thought life was hectic then. Ha!
This weekend was busy as most weekends seem to be in this household--except for yesterday morning. While Daughter #1 had brought her boyfriend with her, they went to a wedding yesterday morning. Daughter #3 was working yesterday morning. Daughter #2 had to wait for a cable guy to come and install a cable in her apartment. Hubby went out to check all the garage sales in the area. So yesterday morning I was all alone for several hours. I had lots of peace and quiet. :^)
Then everyone came back and my peace and quiet evaporated. Still, our daughters can gab for hours and I love to listen to what is going on in their lives. It is fun to have them altogether and, of course, they gave me wonderful gifts.
Today we all went to Mass together. However, after lunch Daughter #1 and her boyfriend had to leave. Daughter #2 went with hubby and I to visit my parents. Hubby fixed Dad's lawnmower and put the air conditioner in the living room window. Daughter #2 and I scrubbed the kitchen. I also planted a few geraniums outside as well as a hydrangea.
Then Daughter #2 had to leave.
Sigh. Life whizzes by so quickly. I'm glad I have my old photographs.