SEA OF HOPE was my first published book and a 2002 EPIC Award Winner for Best Inspirational Novel. It is set in a small New Jersey fishing community. The heroine's father passed away and his fishing trawler, the Merrichase, has been willed to a stranger. The heroine's uncle is the pastor of the local church in that community where she grew up. Below is her uncle's Christmas homily.
Then Uncle Walter reminded his congregation of the joy everyone should have in their hearts at the celebration of the birth of their Savior. “Christmas is not about who gets the biggest and best toys,” he whispered close into the microphone and then paused again. “It’s about eternal life, God’s great gift to us all,” his voice grew in intensity. “And it is about forgiveness. You are saved by the grace of God who sent His Son to wash away your sins with His blood.”
Uncle Walter’s words thundered through the speakers and filled the church. For a moment, her uncle stopped speaking. Total silence reigned in the nave. Then, slowly, he drew in a great breath, an act made more dramatic by the amplification. “Thank Him,” Uncle Walter spoke softly. “Thank Him with all your heart.”