Wednesday, May 01, 2019

I Finished!

I finished my Christmas novella. The story starts with a lone figure skater on a lake--in New Jersey. It's a contemporary romance. 

I sent the manuscript off to the publisher. Now I have to wait. That's the hard part. However, I have plenty of other projects to keep me busy in the meantime. 

Inspired by Daughter #2 and her Marie Kondo method, I cleaned out half of the junk drawer in the kitchen. I got rid of plenty of extraneous stuff. But not everything. I discovered my husband had a collection of 3 prong to 2 prong grounding adapters for wall outlets. I didn't think I should throw them out. There have been times when I have needed one of those things. I decided to put them inside a box inside the junk drawer. At least, I know where they are. 

In anticipation of cleaning out the other half of the junk drawer, I bought some small, plastic storage boxes which I found in the Dollar Store. That way, if I come across another collection of odd objects I can put them all together. Marie Kondo would throw them out--and maybe next time I clean the junk drawer I will. But for now it will be organized.👍

I also have a talk to prepare about plot driven or character driven inspirational stories. I've got a bit more than two weeks before the talk. That should keep me out of trouble. 😁

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