Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Little People

Yesterday, I spent a considerable amount of time in a waiting room with Daughter #3. I had brought along a book to read, but I didn't get any reading done due to three rambuncious children who were also in the waiting room. They were poking and teasing and crawling over and behind the couch like a squirmy bunch of puppies. A brief reprimand from the nurse did no good. So Daughter #3 and I began to talk to the youngsters. The oldest was ten, and the younger two were eight. The oldest was the most communicative.

We learned that they went to the same pool club as our daughters once had. We learned that they had fish and cats for pets. They told us about their vacation and their busy schedule of activities. The oldest plays the saxophone.

Their harried mom eventually came out of the examining room with another daughter. She really has her hands full! But I enjoyed talking to her kids. For one thing, they reminded me very much of what our daughters had been like at that age. In addition, it's difficult for me to pass up an opportunity to get to know about people--even little people. I might need some characters just like those three wriggly little darlings someday.


Leann said...

Not a fun place for children. Too much energy and too little space. It's always interesting to hear what they'll divulge to complete strangers.

K. said...

Tell me about it Leann! Children are just so forthcoming!

Robin Bayne said...

And it's even worse during the summer for some reason : )